Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Giants Win and a Few More

Steve came by my office Tuesday morning and asked me if I was going to blog about the Giants winning the World Series. I am sure I gave him kinda of a funny look because that's not typically a subject I think about in relation to our business. The kinda "huh?" look I gave him prompted an explanation from him which made a lot of sense. He said, what he loved about this Giant's team was they were a bunch of regular guys who were willing to do whatever it took to win - egos and personal goals aside. The analogy of a sports team for our property and LSI teams is appropriate. We are just a bunch of regular people, but when we pull together and support one another we can accomplish great things.
The question for you is, is everyone on your team pulling in the same direction to accomplish the unified goal? If not, how are your coaching skills? Are you coaching for peak performance and are you demanding the best from your players everyday? Are you looking to improve your team one player at a time?
Their unifying goal was winning the World Series, ours is of course, retaining our current members, selling new memberships as needed to fill our Clubs, and delighting hotel guests in full hotels.
Congratulations Giants, there are a lot of people who have waited a long time for this.

Quick Start Tennis - Below is a link to a great article announcing the launch of the Quick Start Tennis Program at CS Pleasanton. They are the first Club in the bay area to offer scaled down tennis courts for kids learning to play tennis. Makes sense right? You don't put 8 year old kids on a full sized baseball or football field, why do it for tennis. If you have kids or know someone with kids now is a great time to get them involved in tennis.

Click on the link below and actually hit the blog would you please? For those of you who responded to the "workout reflections" post, it would be great if you put your thoughts there so everyone can see. There you can also see what I have tweeted the last week or so, give me some feedback on the type of information you would like. If for some reason the link doesn't work just type it into your browser
Twitter @RalphRajs
Lots of work going on in Fremont, if you want to see the pictures go to twitter.

Pink Update - CSO had the most miles with 410, and WC raised the most money with $18,000. All total we logged 1636 miles. Thank you everyone for your participation.

Lance Armstrong has made a committment to race the 2011 Ironman Championships in Hawaii. Interesting, I personally don't think he can run with those guys but it will be fun to watch.

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