There is a lot going on right now in our company and I am delighted to share it with you. The Studio is coming along nicely, here are one of the studios all cleaned up. For The Studio we purchased the Cycleops bike. It has a lot of advanced features that will really gives us a great differentiation from our competitors. So far, Dana says, the reviews have been awesome. They started training on them last Saturday. I am looking forward to getting on one hopefully this week. We also purchased two for FRE and two for PLS to put on the fitness floor.
I think the members are going to love them.
This weekend in FRE Tony organized our first table tennis tournament. They had 120 participants, 28 who are already members and 172 people who have never been in our club before. FRE is the only property to have a table tennis Coordinator, which I didn't think I would ever see. In addition to TT we are going hard after squash as well. With the refinishing of the gym floor they striped for three more courts bringing us up to 6. FRE just hired a new squash coordinator and we are looking at both of these sports as a new opportunity to drive membership.
The picture below is Jose Aval, a trainer at Green Valley, showing his athletic ability. He and a group from the club volunteered at last weekend's Silverman Triathalon. Silverman is a very respected and difficult Ironman and Half Ironman distance tri. The winner of this year's IM world championships, Chris McCormack, was there competing in the half, I believe he won it.
The big news is we had two associates compete. Amanda Parson-Seigel completed the half and Sean Amberg completed the full IM distance - 2.4 mile swim, 112 bike, and 26.2 run. Congratulations you two, that is fantastic. Hopefully I can get a picture of you two.
This coming weekend we have quite a few people running in the Big Sur 1/2 Marathon. Notably Thomas from PLS will be doing his first ever half and Heather will be running as well. There are a few more but I won't mention names until after the run when we can help them celebrate their accomplishment.
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