Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bringing Back The Blog

I have not posted directly to this Blog in a year and a half. I stopped as Facebook was ramping up hard and I was hoping I could get most associates onto that. I post to that actively, and I would like to think some interesting stuff so please take a look Ralph Rajs - ClubSport. It's a corporate page so all you have to do is like it rather than friend it. You can also follow me on Twitter @ralphrajs.
As for this Blog I can see there is a bigger audience out there I am not reaching and I would like to. This blog got a lot easier because there is now an iPad app that allows me to post in my PJ's while having my morning coffee like I am doing right now.
If the link is still all working you should get this as an e mail, so let me know if it still works.

While I have you have you seen the new ClubSport Ap? It came out great. Update yours like you do other apps through your app settings.

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