Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Results

This weekend we had quite a few ClubSport members and associates competed in The San Fransisco Figure Contest. Below from left is Raelene personal trainer, Rose member, Cathena member, Liz member, Tracy member, Kim Payne member, Sandi Hanscom PLS HR, Megan GE Instructor, and Racelle member. The women did fantastic in both the figure and bikini divisions. This has been a great journey for Sandi who three years ago didn't work out at all. She got involved in one of Jennifer Lowe's weight programs and hasn't looked back since.

Pleasanton trainers Jennifer Lowe, Angela Azevedo, and Yolanda Glaser (not pictured)were the trainers behind the scenes.
The solo picture below is Ann from Walnut Creek who has been personal training and teaching group fitness classes at RCS WC since opening in 2002. Over the years, she has cultivated a following of loyal clients through her innovative techniques using ballet bars, Gravity machines and Pilates reformers. Ann won her age class division 45+. She also captured second place in the 35's as well.

This little picture I intercepted off the internet is Iliana Osterholt finishing the San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon yesterday in the time of 1:46:41. Although she is very low key I could tell she was psyched by her very strong time. Iliana wasted those two guys in the picture, they look sad. Midnight Mambas finished the Furnace Creek 508 bike ride in 36 Hours 56 Minutes and 34 Seconds. They were second in their division and edged out a quarter of the all male teams.

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