I have been compiling a list of interesting things happening in our Wellness Department over the last couple weeks, here's a run down...
***Cesar Martinez was named Manager of the Quarter at Aliso Viejo for Q1 2010. Cesar is a fantastic team player who takes care of business up in the fitness center. He oversees a strong team of personal trainers that bring in strong PT numbers. Well deserved Cesar.
***When I was at ClubSport Oregon last week Marlin invited Jarod and me to participate in his 6am Dynamic Training Class. There were about 40 people in the class moving through about 8 high intensity, performance driven stations. It was a great workout but it was also great for me to see how bonded the participants of this class are. It is a fee based class and Marlin provides bottles of water and small snacks for all. The day I was there we congratulated a participant who just passed the Bar exam.
****At ClubSport Pleasanton they have about 70 associates signed up for Associate Wellness program. They are taking classes together and supporting one another in their fitness goals. Heather the GM, has really spearheaded the cause by setting the example. If your are an associate there, talk to your manager about opportunities to participate.
****A couple weekends ago ClubSport Fremont put on a fund raiser for the Avon Foundation called "Washboard Ab's With Rob Vargas", Wellness Director. They raised $1,300 and had 42 participants. Voncile Williams brought in 17 non-members to participate (we like to call them leads) single handedly. Hopefully you can tell from the picture they did the class right in the pool lobby which brings energy to the club and visibility to a program.
**** I am not sure if I already wrote this one up or not but it's worthy of a repeat if I did. Katrina Wilhelm of ClubSport Oregon passed her exams to become a licensed Naturopathic Physician. I had a chance to spend some time with Katrina on my last visit and she is fascinating to talk to and a wealth of information. Katrina is expanding her one on one clients rapidly and I am excited about the possibilities going forward.
**** Under the heading of bragging father, Davis broke the 10 year old Foothill High School 400 meter record a couple weeks ago. And my daughter Hannah PR last night in the 100 with a 13.02 as a sophomore. I put this item into the wellness update because Davis had set this goal three years ago and has worked very hard toward it since. He made the right kind of nutrition and workout decisions to give himself a chance to succeed, and as a teenager that's not easy.
I can't emphasize enough the value of goal setting for your own fitness aspirations.
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